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Team XRAY Korea driver TaeWan Kim dominated from the beginning to the end of the race and continues his string of wins for Team XRAY in the Banwal Championship. This is the longest historical off-road racing championship in Korea.

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XRAY was the main sponsor for the race event and were well represented by XRAY Team drivers TaeWan, DongKwanand ChoongYeul. Since most of the team drivers did not have much time to race with the new 808, only ChoongYeul used the new car in this race and other racers were astonished at the impressive performance of the new car. However, ChoongYeul did not much have luck during the race as he had several engine flame-outs.

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The Buggy A main final was a really tight race between TaeWan and JungSuk. However, TaeWan was able to win the race with smart, but aggressive, driving.


1. TaeWan Kim XRAY XB8EC
2. JungSuk Oh
3. SiYeun Jang

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