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 Part number: # 370005
 Released: Sep. 18, 2015
Stock status: 

Replaced by XRAY X12 2017 Specs 

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It has been rightfully called ‶miniature Formula 1※ and has proven to be a class at the pinnacle of RC car racing. Fractions of a second separate the world’s best 1/12 pancar drivers. With simpler designs compared to larger touring cars, attention to detail is paramount, and XRAY is second to none in its evolution of a small, agile, and super-fast car that is destined for the Winners Circle.

To the untrained eye, the new XRAY X12 may at first glance seem a simple and traditional design, but it’s upon closer inspect that the details and engineering marvels shine through. With unparalleled experience and innovation in its team, XRAY has achieved a state of pancar perfection with the X12 by focusing on strategically-planned refinements to create a car that is easy to drive, work on, and adjust.

Martin Hudy
XRAY designer

Learn more about the XRAY X12 2016 Specs here at www.teamxray.com/X12