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The first round of the 2006~2007 R1GP Winter Attack Indoor carpet race, hosted by RC FORUM (http://rcforum.co.kr) and sponsored by JinhoTrade (Team XRAY KOREA) and PowerHouse, was held on 16~17 December in Seoul, KOREA. This race was the best Indoor Carpet Race we ever had in KOREA. The best 90 racers participated in this race in the best place ’” the Olympic Gymnastic Stadium. It was snowing outside, but the racing was hot!

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This race was actually the debut race of the XRAY T2'007, so it was really a great chance to check out the superior performance of XRAY T2'007 on carpet. Since XRAY is the most famous brand in Korea, the race was almost dominated by XRAY. About 40% racers were XRAY users, and 60% racers in the A-Main were using XRAY T2'007.

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From beginning to end, XRAY dominated the whole race. Mun-Yong, who is a current KMRCA Vice-champion, dominated the race and claimed TQ. Ryan Lee, multiple KMRCA champion, also showed great racing and dominated the race, too. People were astonished seeing the two XRAY racers' marvellous race. However, bad luck happened as they crashed together and missed the title.

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The result for Team XRAY was of course very good, putting five cars in the main and taking a double-podium finish!

We would like to say “Thank you’ť to the racers that participated in the R1GP Winter Attack, and many thanks go to JinhoTrade and PowerHouse for being our sponsors.

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We have two more rounds in January 2007 in Seoul. If you want to participate, you are more than welcome to race with us. Please send an e-mail to: [email protected] .

R1GP Winter Attach Round 1 Final Results

1 Jang-JiHyun
2 Ryan Lee XRAY T2'007
3 Seo-Dongil XRAY T2'007

4 Nam-GiJun
5 Gu-GiBon XRAY T2
6 Mun-Yong XRAY T2'007

7 Kimg-WongChan
8 Lee-HanSin XRAY T2'007
9 Choi-NakSung XRAY T2'007

10 Park-Hyuk