Hein Kotze TQ and win Touring Modified with Xray T2 007 USA foam edition
This class is the premium class at the South African National Championship. The qualifying rounds are run over 3 heats on Saturday, which Hein Kotze dominated and took TQ.
The final rounds were run on Sunday with three A finals, which Hein Kotze controlled from the start and won the first two mains and took the overall win. The second mains, the racing were so close and Hein Kotze took the win with a 0.010 sec. The only Xray T2 007 in the A mains. Hopefully this will encourage the other drivers to take a good look at the results and consider what an excellent car the Xray T2 007 is.
Henri Kotze TQ and Win Touring 19 turn with Xray T2
This class was introduced to the South African National championship in 2007. The qualifying rounds were run on Saturday over three heats, which Henri Kotze dominates from the start and took TQ. Henri Kotze was the only driver who could manage and achieved 22 laps on the tight technical track in the qualifying rounds. The mains were run on Sunday with 2 mains and Henri Kotze with his Xray T2 once again, the only driver in this class to manage and achieved 22 laps, dominated and won both A mains and took the overall win. Henri is currently the youngest driver at the South African National Championship (13 years).
In Touring 19 turn there were more Xray’s and their results were as follows.
1. + TQ Henri Kotze XRAY T2
5. Hennie Kotze XRAY T2'007
6. Francois Botes XRAY T2'007
8. Andre Janse Van Rensburg XRAY T2
14.Flip Grobler XRAY T2'007
For the records, the drivers namely Hein Kotze and Henri Kotze are brothers, and it is the first time that two brothers achieved these results at an event.