CAR ACTION - new |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 ´007 in US CAR ACTION magazine, issue October 2007. The text is in English.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"As I expected, the '007 was very easy to drive."
"Overall, I found the '007 to be dialed and even faster than my older T2."
"Because of their excellent parts quality and fantastic instructions, XRAY kits are easy builds."
Get the October 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.
RC KOREA - new |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 ´007 in RC KOREA magazine, issue September 2007. The text is in Korean language.
Get the September 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.
RC KOREA - new |

Read the review of the XRAY T2 ´007 in RC KOREA magazine, issue 2007. The text is in Korean language.
Get the July 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

Read The full review of the XRAY T2'007 in RC KOREA magazine.
The text is in Korean language.
Get the June 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 ´007 in German AMT magazine, issue June 2007. The text is in German language.
Get the June 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

Read the full review and track test of the XRAY T2 ´007 in US RC DRIVER magazine, issue May 2007. The text is in English language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"On the track the car accelerates much harder then the standard T2, especially through corners."
"It carries far more speed through the corners and traction and control are improved thanks to its lower CG and adjustable flex."
"It's hard to imagine how XRAY could ever improve on this platform, maybe the next one will be called 'From Slovakia with love'."
Get the May 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review and track test of the XRAY T2 '007 in Australian RACING LINES magazine, issue March 2007. The text is in English language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"XRAY is well known for their attention to detail and perfection"
"My final conclusion of the XRAY T2 007 is that XRAY have delivered another great car to the RC touring car market."
"Everything is perfectly machined for a great fit and an enjoyable build experience."
"This car, however, was designed for more than just a great build, it was made to go fast."
Get the March 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

Read the full review and track test of the XRAY T2 ´007 in German CARS AND DETAILS magazine, issue March 2007. The text is in German language.
Get the March 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

Read the full review and track test of the XRAY T2 ´007 in German RC CAR RACING magazine, issue March 2007. The text is in German language.
Get the March 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

XRAY T2 ´007 in UK RACE CAR magazine, issue March 2007. The text is in English language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"The first touring car platform built specifically for rubber and foam tyre racing, two conditions, two cars, one platform."
"The packaging from Xray is first class and the manual, promotional leaflets, decals, set up and gear charts are simply the best I have seen."
Get the March 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

Read the track test of the XRAY T2 ´007 in UK RACER magazine, issue March 2007. The text is in English language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"Putting the car together is a joy; everything is perfectly made and just drops together."
Get the March 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

Read the track test of the XRAY T2 ´007 in US XTREME RC CARS magazine, issue March 2007. The text is in English language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"You can't compare most typical 2-belt, 4WD mainstream chassis to the XRAY, an unquestionable, high-performance racing machine that will never fit in anything other than world class"
"If you want to see super tuning options, the XRAY platform is usually one of the best examples, and this latest version continues to please. A nice feature is XRAY's new Quick-Saver steering bellcrank"
Get the March 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here.

Read the full review and track test of the XRAY T2 ´007 in Italian RCM magazine, issue February 2007. The text is in Italian language.
Get the February 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the track test of the XRAY T2 ´007 in German RACER magazine, issue February 2007. The text is in German language.
Get the February 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 ´007 in Japan RC WORLD magazine, issue January 2007. The text is in Japanese language.
Get the January 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review and track test of the XRAY T2 ´007 in Italian RCM magazine, issue January 2007. The text is in Italian language.
Get the January 2007 issue at your newspaper stand or
download this file here. |