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The host of the 2007 ROAR On Road Nationals once again played host to the first carpet race of the season for Northwest racers.

With just under 100 racers packing the pits at SIR the weekend was shaping up to be a great start to the carpet season.

The NWIC in its 5th season is a series put on by area Northwest Hobby shops and race tracks that allows drivers to collect points at five events and compete for whose “the best in the Northwest for onroad carpet racing’ť.

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Day 1: Practice
As racers began to arrive for practice on Friday a few began to hit the challenging course that the SIR crew had set out. After a few hours of practice the groove began to develop and lap times began to drop. The track was packed with racers until 7:00 when SIR held there Friday night club race and a good majority of racers entered to get some last minute practice.

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Day 2: Qualifing:
With qualifying started the groove continued to grow. The rubber tire racers were running on the Speedmind Sorex 28R Control Tire and traction was very good as a few racers began to find themselves traction rolling.

After a tough day of qualifying had ended there were several racers separated by only a 100th of a second to decide the class TQ.

Here are the final TQ’s:

Touring Stock Foam: Frank Mirabelli
Touring Car Stk Rubber Tire: Marcos Garcia
Touring Car 19T Foam: Randy Sides
Touring Car 19T Rubber Tire: Brian Bodine
Touring Car Modified Foam: Darren Shank
1/12 Scale 19T: Darren Shank

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Day 3: Mains
The 8 fastest racers in each class made it into the prestigious A Main, which kept their chances alive for winning the entire event. After the triple A Mains had finished here are the final results.

Touring Stock Foam
1) Mirabelli, Frank, TQ, XRAY T2'007

2) Maloy, Adam
3) Buchanan, Tom
4) Garcia, Marcos
5) Christal, Corey
6) Tilley, Jordan
7) Amende, Doug
8) Godson, Mike

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Touring Stock Rubber Tire
1) Garcia, Marcos, TQ XRAY T2'007 EU
2) Perry, Chris
3) Brostrom, Chris
4) Mirabelli, Frank XRAY T2'007
5) Todd, Mike
6) Orlowski, Rob
7) Forg, Fred
8) Matlock, Jason

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Touring Car 19T Foam
1) Sides, Randy, TQ XRAY T2'007 US
2) Morris, Arrin
3) Amende, Doug
4) Christal, Corey
5) Hunt, Jason
6) Day, Mark
7) Elliot, Shane
8) St. Cyr,Rick

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Touring Car 19T Rubber Tire
1) Bodine, Brian, TQ XRAY T2'007 EU
2) Dutemple, Mike
3) Michellich, Kevin
4) Erbele, James
5) Ruffer, Guy
6) Todd, Mike
7) Balchin, Jacko
8) Leask, Paul

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Touring Car Modified Foam
1) Shank, Darren, TQ XRAY T2'007 US
2) Lawson, Anthony
3) Rubart, Steve
4) Erlich, Dave
5) Smith, Ron
6) Wehrend, Brandon
7) Gummere, Brandon
8) Meyer, Jim

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A special thanks goes out to the entire SIR crew and all our main series sponsors Xray and Speedmind for this great event. The series now moves on to NWIC race #2 at Time Zone II and there new 100 X 60 Carpet track in Vancouver Washington on Nov 9-10. For additional Series information go to: WWW.NWIC2007.COM.

XRAY Win’s and TQ’s all Touring Car Classes at the first NWIC Race of the 2007 Carpet Season.

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