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Race report by Helge Johannessen
Date: March 8−9
Venue: Stevneplassen, Skien
▪ 1:10 Touring Modified
▪ 1:10 Touring 19T Spec
▪ 1/12 Pancar
▪ Tamiya M-chassis support class

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Finally the National Championship was here and over 90 drivers entered this weekend in the different classes. Classes included Modified, 19T Spec, and 1/12 pancar. Racing was a round-by-round system with best 3 of 5 rounds counting. The track was 600m2 with extremely high grip. The layout looked really bad, but after a practice round, the rhythm of the track felt really good.

Since I entered both Modified and 1/12 pancar, my good friend Georg Ellingsen helped me by being my mechanic in the 1/12 pancar class.

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Modified Qualifying:
I started with the same setup that I used in the last race, but as the qualifying rounds went by the grip got more and more extreme. I changed to stiffer stabilizers at both front and rear, and changed to stiffer springs; I also put on the brace in front. My car felt good, but I needed more steering out of the corner, so I went from 6.6mm droop in front to 6.2mm. This was the adjustment I needed. I took 3 straight wins and claimed the TQ spot ahead of Adrian Berntsen and Rune Karlsen.

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19T Spec Qualifying:
In this class Markus Alvestad was a major favourite after taking 4 straight wins in the National Cup. He took the TQ spot in supreme style ahead of Anders Theodorsen and Kjell Gunnar Guttormsen.

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Modified Finals:
I got a clean start in all three finals with Adrian behind me. But the excitement was left out since Adrian hit a curb in all three finals, and gave me the gap I needed to take the Championship home. Adrian finished 2nd and Rune Karlsen finished 3rd. The only change I made was the final drive ratio in the last final. Someone was measuring the top speed on the straight so I just had to do it. I went from 10.80 to 9.80 and was measured in 72 km/h, which was the highest speed on the straight.

Results Modified:
1. Helge Johannessen − XRAY T2’008 (TQ)
2. Adrian Berntsen − XRAY T2’008

3. Rune Karlsen
4. Roger Berntsen − XRAY T2’008
5. Petter Solvberg
6. Kjell Gunnar Guttormsen
7. Goran Langsholt
8. Truls Solberg
9. Christer Antonsen
10. Petter Berntsen − XRAY T2’008

Winner B final: Robin S. Nordlie − XRAY T2’008.

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19T Spec Finals:
Anders Theodorsen sat all night after qualifying, changing setup and making the drivetrain smooth, trying to close the gap to Markus Alvestad. And he did the job well. It was a completely different car in the finals than in the qualifying. Anders won all three finals after battling with Markus. Kjell Gunnar Guttormsen finished 3rd.

Results 19T Spec:
1. Anders Theodorsen - XRAY T2’008
2. Markus Alvestad
3. Kjell Gunnar Guttormsen
4. Lars A. Andersen − XRAY T2’008
5. Jans Kristian Kier Hovik
6. Brede Isaksen − XRAY T2’008
7. Kjell Nilsen
8. Jarle V. Karlsen − XRAY T2’008
9. Andreas Bull Freng − XRAY T2’008

10. Leif Tore Stensrod

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I would like to thank Georg for helping me as my mechanic, Ture Olsson for the pancar and www.antrade.no for the support he has been giving me for the last few years. Thanks to Reto at LRP for providing a great motor for me. And of course a big thanks to XRAY and Mr. Juraj Hudy for developing and manufacturing the best car ever and for the support I enjoy.

This ends the indoor season and in a couple of weeks the outdoor season starts.

Helge Johannessen

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Helge Johannessen Winning Set-up sheet.

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