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Flash news:
The 4th round of the French Championship was held on the track of ASCAP at Poissy (near Paris).

Jean-Laurent Ripoll wins the National class, and Maxime Favrelle ranks 2nd in the Elite class.

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National Class final results:
1. Jean-Laurent Ripoll XRAY NT1
2. Jonathan Gergen
3. Remi Rivard XRAY NT1
4. David Petit XRAYNT1
5. David Thomas XRAY NT1

6. Vincent Berthon
7. Aurelien Rivard XRAY NT1
8. Franck Favrelle XRAY NT1
9. Nicolas Roesner XRAY NT1

10. Raphael de Sousa

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(click to enlarge)

Elite Class final results:
1. Basile Concialdi
2. Maxime Favrelle XRAY NT1
3. Thomas Correard XRAY NT1
4. Michael Derderian XRAY NT1

5. Quentin Leroux
6. Thomas Guillon XRAY NT1
7. Kevin Rasquin XRAY NT1

8. Nicolas Bougnoteau
9. Benjamin Brasset XRAY NT1
10. Thomas Eytard XRAY NT1