The 3rd run of the Hungarian National Championship was held at the RCArena carpet track in Budapest.
János Birinyi, Boosted 13.5:
In the previous round I had to finish the race weekend early due to motor failure, so I was a bit afraid of what was going to happened, but thankfully the new motor worked perfectly. The qualifying rounds brought a close fight but finally I could secure the TQ with precise driving and without any mistakes. I was a bit nervous before the finals because the top 5 drivers finished in 5 second during the qualifying runs. We were looking forward a though fight. The setup worked very well. I changed just a few thing compared to the basic setup and I knew it wouldn't be up to the car. In the first final I could build a confident gap early. I had a smooth start to finish win with 1.5 second difference.
The second final started with a bit closer race. My rival attacked me hard, but I got away with precise driving and I won again with 3.9 second lead, so I could calmly look forward the third final. In the third final I tried a small change on the car which surprised me a bit in handling, but I could still win that final with 3 second lead. The car reacts very well to every setup changes and It can't be ruined at all. Really stable and fast in every run from the beginning to the end.