This weekends race was held in Norrtälje north of Stockholm and hosted by Norrtälje RCM. The track was a small temporary track that was almost square in layout. But the layout of the track was different and very fun to drive.
Traction was low as espected in the beginning but increased to reasonable levels during the day. Once again I was racing both mod and 17.5T blinky and for this race I had recived my new ORCA setup for stock after my old setup "kind of" burst into flames on the nordics :)
Mod qualifying was super tight but I finally managed to grab the TQ spot ahead of Andreas Husman by less than 7/10th of a second during the last qualifier.
In stock I had it a little bit easier during qualifying winning all three heats ahead of Kenneth Malkusson and Lars Hägerman with Kenneth winning the fight for second spot.
In the mod finals I relized that it was going to be super close and I did not get disapointed. In the first final Andreas was on my tail instantly trying to pass. After alot of tries and actually hitting me a few times but alwas being a good sportsman and not letting that be the deciding factor in the race and alowing me to contimue in the lead I did a misstake and Andreas passed me and managed to win the first final. After the dissapointing first final we had a super close race during the entire second final. Andreas passed me after a while but I was hot on his tail and we actually passed the finishline at the same time as the timer buzzed. This threw Andreas concentration and I managed to squeeze by on the last lap and win the second final. Note to everybody... Never stop racing until you are sure that the heat is finished!!! :)
After managing to even up the score I was excited for the last final. This was win or loose. Andreas and myself once again took of and left the rest of the pack behind us. This time I managed to do a super clean race and held Andreas behind me the entire race and was able to secure the win.
In the stock finals I felt a little more confident but Kenneth was chasing me hard during all three finals but never managed to close the gap enough to really challenge me in the front. He was close at times but I managed to race a close race not leaving any gaps being super confident in my car and setup.