The race was held in Smedjebacken and was the first race hosted by the new club Bärke RBK. This was a temporary track with nice layout and size and after practice I got a really good feeling about the day.
Qualifications was thight and in mod I only managed to get TQ in the last round after some mistakes in the first two. In stock Kenneth Malkusson took TQ ahead of me by just a small margin. I felt godd anyway because the car was getting better and better. In the mod finals the car was awesome and nobody was ever close to touching me and I cruised into taking three straight wins. Stock was a completely different story.
In the first final I made a small mistake in the beginning allowing Kristoffer Axelsson to pass me. Hot on the tail of him and Kenneth I managed to squeze by when Kenneth and Kristoffer made a mistake. Leading the final until the speaker said "Will they manage another lap" and I tried to make the time go faster but of course we had another lap and during this lap I hit a marker allowing Kenneth to pass and take the first win.
In the second final Kenneth and I took off from the rest of the field and had a super tight race for the entire 5 minutes. I was slightly faster but being the ice cold driver he is Kenneth never allowed me to pass. After the tone I dove for the inner line to overtake him over the line but missed out by 0.1 secs... This gave Kenneth the total win of the race.
In the third final I was focused on at least taking one final win in stock this day.
Once again Kenneth and I pulled away from the field racing a super tight race.
None of us did any mistakes for the duration of the race and again I tried to force myself through on the inside over the line the last time and again lost out with 0.1 secs.
Still satisfied with the result and the car knowing that I have the speed and the setup of the car pretty much dialed.
It's looking good for me in the total cup standings so here's for hoping for more points in the next race held in Eskilstuna on the 1st of March.