I could find a good setup during the free practice early in the morning of the race day. I was looking forward for the qualifying rounds. I could win all 3 qualifying and get the TQ position on the grid with perfect driving, finishing with 1-2 seconds ahead of everyone in each round.
In the first final I noticed during the warm up laps, that the car steers a bit strange. I become a bit nervous, but I got used to the car and won the final. After the final it turned out that one body clip was missing.
The second final was an easy start to finish win with a perfect car. The third final was only for the perfect result, but it become very exciting. At 2 minutes into the final a lapped car knocked me out of the racing line and I lost my leading position but I was just 1-2 second behind the new leader. Then I was driving at the limit of the car and took some risks and I could take back the lead. With this final I could set a new track record for the day in stock class. It had been proven again that the XRAY T4 is a perfect car and it is capable of doing consistent and very competitive laptimes during the whole race in any situation.