Last weekend saw the running of first ever 2014 indoor off road Victorian Carpet titles , hosted by Melbourne’s Newest racing facility Adrenalin Arena. Saturday was practise day, and gave us all the chance to learn the brand new layout provided by Simon Healy at the Crew At AA.
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Setting a new tune on the XB4 2wd was extremely easy as the only main difference in track layout was going from a flowing fast layout to a tight technical track. With a Stiffer Front roll bar, a little heavier shock oil, and slight roll centre adjustment.
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Qualifying was tough and one mistake would put out of the top 5, I managed a couple of average runs to out me 3rd on the grid.
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Finals time came, and I was fortunate enough to be handed the race lead in A1 by TQ hold Simon Mc Hugh when he traction rolled after a tricky jump landing, a I took the win in A1. A2 was a littler harder but the leaders came together on lap 2 and I passed them for the lead, where I put together a faultless 5 min run to cruise to victory win the state title.
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The XB4 2wd was flawless all weekend and was easily able to cope with the mega grip carpet grip.