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Race report by Alfonso Perez
Third race of the spanish championship of 1/10 touring electric cars took place in Telde, Gran Canaria.

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The practice started on Friday. The track was too dirty, but despite this David had good set-up for the qualifying and finals. On Saturday were 4 of the 6 qualifying rounds and David won all the qualifying rounds so he had time to prepare even better set-up for final rounds. On Sunday was the two remaining qualifying rounds and David was able to won again last two qualifying rounds.

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David and his XRAY T4 was unstoppable and continued with his performance and won all 3 finals and finally won the race. This win put him to the first place of the Spanish Championship.

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Final result:
1. David Perez − XRAY T4
2. Toni Rheinard
3. John Hernandez
4. Sanchez Pastor − XRAY T4
5. Eugenio Valiente
6. Tojo Alonso
7. Alvaro Fernandez
8. Jorge Diaz Amante − XRAY T4
9. Ruben Quintana − XRAY T4

10. Toni Mateo