The 4th round of the MSC Carpet Series were held in Årsunda, Sweden. The usual topdrivers from the middle area of the country participated at this event in 12T Modified and 27T stock classes. The track was put out in a large sporthall so there was room for a long and wide carpet track with laptimes around 12 seconds.
I had only got one practice with the T2 car before this event but I expected to do well from the start with the new, easy to setup, and ever so fast T2 touring car.
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In practice the track was slippery and most drivers were struggling for traction, thanks to the new Xray Multi-Flex Technology I just took out four screws from the topdeck and my car was dialed. Car was good all day and I could put in a good performance by winning all three mains from TQ position on the grid. Niclas Nilsson from Gothenburg was extremely fast with his FK05 car and was up for second position for a long time but some bad luck stopped him from being second in the mains and could later finish 3rd on the podium.
The stock class was dominated from start til end by Niklas Flink from Falun. His completely standard FK'05 car was clearly the best handling car at the meeting and won the event closely followed by local driver Jörgen Landblom also driving a FK'05.