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CAR ACTION - new |

Xray T2 was awarded as Car of the Year 2006 in CAR Action magazine.
Read the award story here.
RC CAR ACTION report from testing the XRAY T2 for Car of the Year 2006 Award you can find here. |
RACER - new |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in German RACER magazine, issue August 2006. The text is in German language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"Alles ist durchdacht, am richtigen Platz und von herausragender Qualität."
"In den Händen von Hobby-Fahrern noch einfacher zu fahren, in den Fingern der Profis deutlich schneller."
"Alles passt auf Anhieb zusammen und muss nicht nachgearbeitet werden."
Get the August issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |
AMT - new |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in German AMT magazine, issue July 2006. The text is in German language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"Mit dem T2 hat Xray einen 1:10-Tourenwagen der Spitzenklasse auf den Markt gebracht."
"Innovative Ideen wie das Multi-Flex-Chassis oder das Quick-Roll-Centre wurden gepaart mit einer beispielhaften Verarbeitungsqualität und hervorrangender Materialauswahl."
"Die Liebe zum Detail, die in vielen Kleinigkeiten deutlich wird, macht dieses Fahrzeug zu etwas Besonderem in seiner Klasse."
Get the July issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |
M AUTO - new |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in Dutch M Auto magazine, issue June/July 2006. The text is in Dutch language.
Get the June/July issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in XTREME RC CARS magazine, issue June 2006. The text is in English.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"Whenever the newest Xray arrives at the office, we all fight over it. That should tell you something!"
"Only the finest things are hand made, and the T2's 7075 hand-ground and hand-chamfered Aluminium bulkheads should be in that cetegory."
"Like a fighter jet, the T2 was so easy to drive at high speeds that I could fly through slower lapped traffic on the straights without letting off the trigger."
"From building the chassis, to learning the numerous adjustments, to actually getting the T2 on the track, I can definitely say that this chassis felt like a winner."
Instructions - 10
Parts Quality/Fit - 9.75
Durability - 10
Tunability - 10
Overall Performance - 9.5
Value - 9.5
+ There's almost nothing you can't tune on this
+ Hand-finished quality deserving of the "luxury" moniker
+ Instruction and setup manual should be the industry standard
"...the T2 is aimed at continuing its winning heritage."
Get the June issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in German RC CAR RACING magazine, issue May-June 2006. The text is in German language.
Get the May-June issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in CAR ACTION magazine, issue June 2006. The text is in English.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"I'll be sticking with my T2. I'm faster with it, and it's the easiest car to work on that i've ever owned."
"Xray kits are well known for going together easily, and the T2 was no exception."
"The instructions are fantastic, as is the included setup guide; it is so good that I don't go to the track without it."
"Adjustability &Maintainance: I can't imagine a car that's easier to work on. Everything is very accessible. Tuning adjustment and repairs couldn't be any easier."
Get the June issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review and track test of the XRAY T2 in UK RACER magazine, issue April 2006.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"This is just about the best touring car I have ever driven - even with standard settings, the Xray T2 was fast..."
"It has already proven to be fast at the highest level and it is also faster in the hands of less experienced drivers."
Get the April issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in Australian RACING LINES magazine, issue May 2006. The text is in English.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"...the T2 showed enough to indicate it will certainly be a force to be reckoned with during he 2006 racing season - a testament to a well thought out racer that it can do so well so soon after release."
Get the May issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in UK RACE CAR magazine, issue April 2006. The text is in English language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"If you are not already paid out for a top-end racing car to start off the new year, the T2 should be at or near the top of your list"
"Everything you enjoyed about the T1FK'05 and better"
"Amazing build quality and finish."
Get the April issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in German CARS & DETAILS magazine, issue April 2006. The text is in German language.
Here are few extracts from the article:
"Der T2 ist ein Fahrzeug der absoluten Spitzenklasse unter den 1:10er-Elektro-Tourenwagen."
"Alle Teile sind von hoher Passgenauigkeit und Leichtlauf."
"..., so kann man beim T2 von XRAY voll und ganz behaupten: Das Bessere ist des Guten Feind."
Get the April issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in Korean RC KOREA magazine, issue February 2006. The text is in Korean language.
Get the February issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |

Read the full review of the XRAY T2 in Hong Kong's RC MODELS magazine, issue February 2006. The text is in Chineese language.
Get the February issue at your newspaper stand or download this file here. |