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Race report by Soren Boy Holst
We had a very good performance by the XRAY T2 at the 2006 Danish Championship round 5 held on Sunday, July 23, 2006. The event was held at the nice outdoor track in Tollose, 50km from Copenhagen. The weather was very nice and was perfect for racing for the 45 drivers that participated: 25°C, not too much sun, and no rain at all.

After the first round of qualifying it was Soren Boy Holst who put his T2 into the coveted TQ spot. After a terrible trip to the Worlds in Italy, without baggage and equipment for 5 days, Soren was hooked for racing. The T2 was dialled for this track, with almost the same setup as on the Worlds track in Italy. In 2nd position, only 0.3sec slower, was Soren Eskildsen followed by a bunch of drivers who were all within 2 seconds ’” a close and exciting race could be expected.

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In the second round, Steen Graversen was the only one who would improve the TQ time. Soren Boy Holst and Soren Eskildsen kept the 2nd and 3rd spots respectively, while the rest of the drivers changed positions again.

The track got warmer and warmer (which means slower and slower), and only six (6) tyres were allowed in the championship races.

Soren made some changes to the T2 before the 3rd round: new rear tyres, harder rear springs and more load on the swaybar. These changes made the car faster, so even though the track was slower, Soren could keep the pace and make the same times as in 1st and 2nd round. There were no changes made in top 3 then.

Results after qualifying:
1 Steen Graversen
2 Soren Boy Holst XRAY T2
3 Soren Eskildsen
4 Soren Lorentzen
5 Caspar Morgen
6 Johan Eskildsen
7 Dennis Hassing
8 Michael Praest XRAY T2

The finals were going to be a very close battle as expected. The first final was very clean. Steen took the lead from start, but was followed very closely by Soren H and Soren E. Towards the end of the final the battle between 2nd and 3rd increased so Steen had some space. Soren Eskildsen was very close behind Soren H’s T2, and with 30 seconds left the batteries in his T2 started to dump, so the battle got VERY close all the way to the finish line…but Soren Eskildsen couldn’t pass!

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The second final had a bad start. Soren H didn’t get close to the first turn, letting Soren E get on the side to the next turn, where the two cars touched, with Soren E spinning and making big trouble with the rest of the field. Dennis Hassing got through the collision from 7th place, driving away from the pack, closely followed by Soren H. After 3 laps Soren passed Dennis, but Steen was too far ahead to catch, so the rest of the final was done on cruise control. Further down the field, Soren E had a big battle with Soren Lorentzen. Soren E was the winner of this battle and would take the 4th spot.
Steen had already won the race after two first places, but 2nd place was still open in theory.
In the 3rd final Steen took the start again, followed by Soren H. Further down the field there were lots of battles, but no one could touch the two in front.

Total results round 5 of 6:

1 Steen Graversen
2 Soren Boy Holst XRAY T2
3 Soren Eskildsen
4 Dennis Hassing
5 Caspar Morgen
6 Soren Lorentzen
7 Johan Eskildsen
8 Michael Praest XRAY T2

The final round 6 of the championship will be held on August 27 at last year’s Euros track in Glostrup.

Soren Boy Holst set-up sheet.