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The 4th round of the Curitibano Championship of Modified Class was held on August 20, 2006 on the S.T.A.R track, a beautiful track located on a farm with a lot of green and fresh air. The track is 320m long and has a 5m width.

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The majority of drivers used the Novak 4.5R brushless system and some Neo 3 systems. Only one driver used brushed motor: XRAY TEAM BRASIL driver, Fabiano Franco. All XRAY cars were great in the speed and handling departments. Fabiano Franco, Flávio Salinet, and Jonas Ferstemberg found great setups for the track.

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Fabiano's T2
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With fast cars, it was easy to drive in corners… leading you to think that it was an easy race. But one factor made a huge difference… batteries. In the first heat after taking 1st place, Flávio Salinet ended in 5th place because his batteries dumped at the 4’30’ť time. This happened to Fabiano Franco and Jonas Ferstemberg, too.

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Flavio's T2
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We from XRAY TEAM BRASIL tried everything to get a run time at least of 5min but we didn’t have any success. Fabiano Franco could finish his last 2 heats without any problem but Jonas and Flavio get only 4’40’ť of maximum performance. We think that the electrical system was quite a bit irregular. We also think that excessive car weight was also a large factor. The organizer made a bad judgment call that obligated all drivers to put more weight in their cars. We from XRAY TEAM BRASIL with brushless systems and a car weight of 1,540 grams (40 grams over the limit) had to put an additional 50g in each car; Fabiano Franco had to put almost 100g in his brushed car!

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This round was perfect to find a good setup for Brazilian Nationals of Modified Class, which would be held at the same track.

The race format used in the Curitibano Championship was the same as the Reedy Race, using 5 heats and the winner being the who had the most laps in all heats. This time, we from XRAY TEAM BRASIL couldn’t get the first place but we tried.

The TOP 8 were the following:

1- Otávio Langowski
2- Fabiano Franco − XRAY T2
3- Lincoln Almeida
4- Flávio Salinet − XRAY T2
5- Hamilton JĂşlio Jr
6- Hamilton JĂşlio Neto
7- Jonas Ferstemberg − XRAY T2
8- Nicolas Salmini

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Jonas and his T2
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The championship TOP 12 to present is now the following:

1° Fabiano Franco XRAY T2
2° Flávio Loures Salinet XRAY T2

3? Otávio Langowski
4? Hamilton JĂşlio Neto
5? Horácio Teixeira Ferreira XRAY T2
6? Gilnei Anselmo da Silva XRAY T1FK'05
7? Jonas Ferstemberg XRAY T2
8° Clarel Castilhos XRAY T2

9° Hamilton JĂşlio Jr.
10° Lincoln Almeida
11° Marcos Cesar Dimira XRAY T2
12? Nicolas Salmini