Sunday September, 3rd was the day for the Dutch and Belgium Xray drivers to race on the nice track of RACO in Utrecht in the Xray Challenge The Netherlands organized by Serpent. Despite the very wet conditions at the beginning of the day a lot of drivers came to the event. We had a special format wit only 5 races and no qualifying. We had per round 5 races and per round 2 races 1/10 modified (12 turn), 2 races 1/10 stock (19 turn) and 1 race 1/12 stock (19 turn). In good harmony we decided to postpone the whole program by one hour in the hope to have a dry track in the end.
(click to enlarge)
The first two rounds were very wet and approximately half of the drivers dared to race. I must say that with my base setup, a inner body, 7-8 mm ride height and a fast motor it was fun to race in the wet. Downside of racing in the wet is that a motor only lasts 1 heat and the maintenance on the car between heats is high. After the second round RACO served a wonderful lunch. Form the 3rd to 5th round the track became more and more dry and in round 4 and 5 all drivers were on the track.
(click to enlarge)
The format gave some surprising situations were team drivers had to start form the back of the grid overtaking in real battles the other drivers. In the stock heats there were real nice battles and also in the modified heats. Fun to watch (and race) was the 1/12 19 turn races. The Xray T1M was performing very well.
After the races and price giving Serpent had organized a Tombola with very nice Xray and Hudy prices. The event was a success and will be organized again next year. Special thanks to Serpent, Xray, Hudy, RACO and RC Shop ROAL for organizing and sponsoring this event.
Joep Willemsen
1/10 Modified 12 Turns results
Benny van Oers (2nd) Nick Joosens (Winner) and Ronald Arts (3rd) (click to enlarge)
1. Nick Joosens (9) - 5 points
2. Benny van Oers (5) - 6
3. Ronald Arts (7) - 7
4. Rob Janssen (10) - 7
5. Joep Willemsen (2) - 13
6. Jilles Groskamp (16) - 18
7. Chris Eekhof (8) - 20
8. Eric Bresser (4) - 21
= Tony Vredenberg (3) - 21
10.Bart Wubben (14) - 22
11.Arjen Potharst (12) - 32
= Richard Arts (6) - 32
= Manuel Henriet (1) - 32
= Justin Kleine (11) - 32
= Niels Koenekoop (15) - 32
= Frans Heinsbroek (13) − 32
1/10 Stock 19 Turns results
Johan Ackerman (3rd) Jan Mekenkamp (Winner) and David Broze (3rd) (click to enlarge)
1. Jan Mekenkamp (10) - 5 points
2. Johan Ackerman (3) - 7
3. David Broze (2) - 7
4. Daan Schennink (9) - 8
5. John Prijs (7) - 9
6. Jasper Tjarks (8) - 13
7. Raymond Balx (6) - 22
8. Vasco Christiaanse - 32
= Tim Bromk (15) - 32
= Ronald Bestman (5) - 32
= Steven Koiter (14) - 32
= Jaap Jochmann (12) - 32
= Christian Willeinse (4) - 32
= Richard Oversloot (13) - 32
= Eric van Ballegoie (11) − 32
T1M Stock 19 Turns results
Klaas Lodewijks (3rd) Alexander Roeleveld (Winner) and Santos Brown (2nd) (click to enlarge)
1. Alexander Roeleveld - 4 points
2. Santos Brown - 10
3. Klaas Lodewijks - 12
4. Koen Geurds - 13
5. Jan Schelling − 20
Concours Competition
Rob Jansen (2nd) Tony Vredenberg (Winner) and Santos Brown (3rd) (click to enlarge)