The Curitibano Championship of Stock Class ended on Cctober 29 with an XRAY victory. After 7 rounds, XRAY TEAM BRASIL driver Fabiano Franco grabbed the title in stock class, his second title this year because he is also the Curitibano Champion of Modified Class with one race left in the series!
This year the Stock championship was very good and with an excellent rule that made this event equal to all drivers. The motors were draw between all drivers a few minutes before the race.
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“This new rule is approved for all drivers who raced’ť commented Jonas Ferstemberg of the XRAY TEAM BRASIL drivers. “It’s more exciting and fun’ť told Flávio Salinet XRAY team manager. “We from FS MODELSPORT are very proud with these two titles of Fabiano Franco for XRAY. The T2 proved that it is the chassis to be betting on,’ť said Flávio Salinet.
The November 12 raced will decide the 2nd place finisher in the Modified Championship, and Fabiano Franco will work to bring this vice-championship to XRAY TEAM BRASIL too; Flávio Salinet is only 1 point behind current 2nd place driver Otávio Langowski.
After that, all drivers will prepare themselves for the Brazilian Nationals of Modified Class that will be held at the beautiful S.T.A.R. track. Because that event’s secret practice is so common, XRAY TEAM BRASIL will have its own secret practice, too.
Every large RC team in Brazil is practicing and looking for the very best setup. We hope to find ours soon. Everyone is invited to participate or see the Nationals.