4-Shoe Clutch - Complete Set |
Part number: # 358400 |
Released: May 31, 2019 |
Stock status:

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Complete set of 4-shoe clutch system includes flywheel, lightweight medium aluminum clutch shoes, gold (soft) clutch springs, assembly screws, flywheel collar, and flywheel nut.
The 4-shoe clutch design allows for super-easy clutch setting from soft to hard setting, each suitable for different track conditions and racing style.
The 4-shoe clutch features smaller, lighter internal parts, and the design allows for more balanced clutch bell engagement compared to the traditional 3-shoe design.
The 4-shoe design allows use of combinations of different hardnesses of shoes and springs for clutch engagement setting, and even allows for a combination of different pairs of shoes and springs which gives ultra-fine engagement settings.
There are 4 different hardness of shoes and 3 different hardness of springs optionally available. Changing the setting is very easy thanks to the special assembly screws that hold the shoe and spring.
SOFT clutch setting generates the highest amount of traction and engages earliest; MEDIUM clutch setting allows more clutch slippage and engages later; HARD clutch setting engages latest and provides more revs to engine.
Optional graphite shoes engage more smoothly and give smoother clutch acceleration.
Must be used with 3BB clutch bells #358413 or #358413-L only.

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