
Congratulations The XRAY T1 EVO2 is arguably the most advanced 1/10-scale on-road electric touring car ever made for racing and is based on the extremely successful XRAY T1 concept. We have used the results of thousands of hours of racing and testing on both of asphalt and carpet tracks to offer you this next step in the evolution of XRAY T1.
You chose the T1 EVO2 because you recognize the outstanding quality of design, craftsmanship, and performance of this touring car chassis. The XRAY T1 EVO2 is the epitome of high-performance engineering that was built for the purpose of top competition races. The design is focused on blending of extraordinary materials with racecar lineage to offer a responsive ride, luxurious elegant design, finest quality, and best track performance.
This car was built purely for top competition races, and for that purpose, we gave the T1 EVO2 the highest number of adjustments possible to get the most performance out of any track condition. Even with the standard setup, the T1 EVO2's handling is stable and predictable enough on most surfaces for even novice drivers who choose the T1 EVO2 as their entrance into the R/C hobby. Every aspect of the T1 was examined not only to make it the best touring car on the market, but to also make it very easy to build, to work on, and to drive. This instruction manual strengthens our philosophy of providing our customers with only the best.
The assembly steps are illustrated with state-of-the-art rendered 3D models taken from our engineers\' graphics workstations, and supported with clear and easy-to-understand descriptions of the assembly steps. Because suspension tuning can be a difficult step, we have produced a special Set Up Book to help you get your car to its maximum performance. In some of the assembly steps, references are made to a particular section of the Set-Up Book. Measurements should be applied immediately, although it will still be necessary to perform the set-up procedures again for fine tuning once the chassis is finished.
At the beginning of each section, there is an exploded view of the relevant assembly, including the parts for that section. All non-relevant and previously assembled parts have been faded. Each section indicates the bag containing all the appropriate parts. All hardware (screws, nuts, bearings, pins, clips, etc.) can be compared to the 1:1 scale diagrams on the left side of each assembly step. There should no parts left over after you finish the given assembly section. If thereare any left, please go through the assembly steps again to ensure all parts have been used properly.
We have made every effort to make the instructions and Set-Up Book as easy to understand as possible. However, if you have any difficulties, problems, or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the XRAY support team at [email protected]. Also, please visit our web site at www.teamxray.com. Our official web site contains all the latest updates, hot setup information, lists of hop-up parts, and many other goodies.
As the proud owner of an XRAY T1 EVO2, you are cordially invited to join TEAM XRAY. Use the MEMBERSHIP CARD with Certificate of Authenticity to register your T1 EVO2 at world\'s largest RC portal www.myTSN.com to get access to the special XRAY VIP ROOM --- we pride ourselves on really taking care of our customers.
Thank you very much for choosing the XRAY T1 EVO2 as your ultimate 1/10 electric touring car. We are sure it will bring you lots of enjoyment and rear racing excitement. |
Additional items required:
 (click to enlarge)

Tools required: Cutting Pliers, Needlenose Pliers, Snap Ring Pliers, Allen Wrench for Set Screws 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm and 5.0mm, Hobby Knife, Caster Clip Remover Tool, Soldering Iron.
For the most comfortable assembly we advise to purchase these HUDY high-quality tools: #111540, #112040, #112540, #113040, #115040, #107610.
In line with our policy of continuous product development, the exact specifications of the kit may vary. In the unlikely event of any problems with your new kit, you should contact the model shop were you purchased it, quoting the part number.
We do reserve all rights to change any specification without prior notice. All rights reserved. |