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Report by David Ehrbar
TQ and win for me in the Formula 1 class of the TOS Masters at the beautiful facility of Arena 33 in Andernach. The X1‘24 performed amaying, although the griplevel was constantly changing due to wind and a few drops of rain. Luka Jovicic could secure the 3rd spot behind Robert Kampehl. Marc Rahn and Chris Grenz missed the podium with a 4th and 5th place.
In the 21.5t class, it was Frank Fuchs who won the race with his X4’24, with Anna Ehrbar (X4’24) and Elena Fuchs (X4’24) finishing 4th and 5th, proving the performance of the Xray X4’24 in Stock class racing.
Jacques Libar ran three classes, finishing all of them in the 3rd place: FWD, TC 13.5T and TC 17.5T. Good job!
The team had a lot of fun, many guys came with mobile homes and caravans and when it was getting cold outside, we met in the various tents of the campers.

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Results F1:
1. David Ehrbar - XRAY X1‘24
2. Robert Kampehl
3. Luka Jovicic - XRAY X1‘24

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Results 21.5T:
1. Frank Fuchs - XRAY X4‘24
2. Manuel Stankowitz
3. Thorsten Baggendorf

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Results FWD:
1. Max Weffers
2. Phil Langner
3. Jacques Libar - XRAY X4F

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Results 17.5T:
1. Soren Sparbier
2. Niclas Storm
3. Jacques Libar - XRAY X4‘24

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Results 13.5T:
1. Lukas Ellerbrock
2. Phil Langner
3. Jacques Libar - XRAY X4‘24