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XRAY, HUDY, FX, Hudy Arena

Hudy Arena, K Vystavisku 6992, 91101 Trencin, Slovakia

Outdoor on-road race held at the prestigious Hudy Racing Arena. All XRAY drivers and friends attending the XRS Grand Final are welcomed to participate at XRAY Night Race - a special kart race which is going to take place at a Mike's Garage kart track on Saturday 10. June at 20:00. All participants can enjoy a tasty buffet with plenty of food and win some nice tombola prizes.

Race Records:
Entries: Record 170+
Drivers from 11 countries
Top Factory Confirmed drivers: Bruno Coelho, Alexander Hagberg and many others

Free practice day on Friday from 8AM to 7PM
Trophies at the end of race
Hudy Racing Arena lunch menu
Saturday banquet and go karting

Categories - entries in all categories open only for XRAY cars :
• 1/10 Modified
• 1/10 Stock
• 1/10 Formula
• 1/10 FWD
• 1/10 GT Pan Car
• 1/8 Electric GT
• 1/8 On-road Electro

9th - 11th June 2023

Race Organization:
You can register HERE

Race registration ends on the 7th June 2023

- organized free practice in all categories from 8AM to 7PM

- from 8AM one timed practice, according to three consecutive laps, regrouping into groups
- a total of four qualifying series for all categories during the day

- from 9AM: fifth qualifying series
- three final series for the electric category
- ceremony

The 3 fastest qualification results will be counted by points
In case of equal points after finals, the fastest final run (laps + time) is used
According to the number of competitors, timetable will be published each day
Race Director determines the number of drivers in A final, according to the total number of drivers in each class.

Entry Fees:
25 euro - entry fee
10 euro - for each additional class

Technical Rules for Categories:
1/10 Modified
- Only XRAY cars allowed
- Tires: HUDY 1/10 TC Tires A1-36 (available for purchase on Friday & Saturday). 2 sets of tires + 1 set for finals are allowed to use.
- Motor: EFRA approved motors
- Battery: any hard case LiPo battery packs. Maximum battery voltage: 8.4 volts.
- Tire Additive: Only HUDY additive allowed
- Minimum Weight: 1320 grams (including personal transponder)

1/10 Stock
- Only XRAY cars allowed
- Tires: HUDY 1/10 TC Tires A1-36 (available for purchase on Friday & Saturday). 2 sets of tires + 1 set for finals are allowed to use.
- Motor: EFRA approved motors 13.5T
- Battery: any hard case LiPo battery packs. Maximum battery voltage: 8.4 volts.
- Tire Additive: Only HUDY additive allowed
- ESC: Zero boost ("blinky mode")
- Minimum Weight: 1320 grams (including personal transponder)

1/10 Formula
- Only XRAY allowed
- Tires: Hot-Race rubber tires (available for purchase on Friday & Saturday). 1 set of tires + 1 set of rear tires for finals are allowed to use.
- Motor: EFRA approved motors 21,5T
- Battery: max. 8,4V LiPo, LiHV, LiFe, NiMH, NiCd in hard case
- Tire Additive: Only HUDY additive allowed
- ESC: Zero boost ("blinky mode")
- Maximum Width: 190 mm
- Minimum Weight: 1050 grams (including personal transponder)

1/10 FWD
- Only XRAY cars allowed
- Battery: any hard case LiPo battery packs. Maximum battery voltage: 8.4 volts.
- Tires: HUDY (available for purchase on Friday & Saturday). 1 set of tires is allowed to use.
- Additive: Hudy.
- Body: FWD style body.
- Motor: EFRA approved motors 17,5T
- ESC: Zero boost ("blinky mode")
- Gear-Ratio: max. 4.5
- Minimum Weight: 1250 grams (including personal transponder)

1/10 GT Pan Car
- Only XRAY cars allowed
- Battery: any hard case LiPo battery packs. Maximum battery voltage: 8.4 volts.
- Tires: Free.
- Additive: Free.
- Body: GT style body.
- Motor: EFRA approved motors 13,5T
- Car: Maximum width without body = 190 mm, Maximum width with body = 200 mm
- Minimum Weight: 1000 grams (including personal transponder)

1/8 Electric GT
- Only XRAY cars allowed
- Engine allowed max 2800 kv
- Battery: Max 4s

1/8 On-road Electric
- Only XRAY cars allowed
- EFRA Rules
- qualifications and final runs will be 4 minutes for 1/8 On-road Electro

XRS Grand Final Night Race
All XRAY drivers and friends attending the XRS Grand Final are welcomed to participate at XRAY Night Race - a special kart race which is going to take place at a Mike's Garage kart track on address: Zlatovska 2763, 911 05 Trencin on Saturday 10. June at 20:00. All participants can enjoy a tasty buffet with plenty of food and win some nice tombola prizes. Entry fee for the race which includes buffet & tombola & go karting is 15 Euro.