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M18T Differential Setting and Break-in
Please note that the factory pre-assembled differential is pre-built but is NOT tightened. To enjoy long life and smooth performance of the differential, you need to break in the differential properly.

Run the car for a few minutes and then tighten the diff a small amount. Repeat this procedure several times until the differential is fully tightened or tightened to the point you want it.

Please note that the factory pre-assembled differential is pre-built but is NOT tightened. To enjoy long life and smooth performance of the differential, you need to break in the differential properly.

Run the car for a few minutes and then tighten the diff a small amount. Repeat this procedure several times until the differential is fully tightened or tightened to the point you want it.

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M18T Rear Toe-in Troubleshooting
If you find that the rear right toe-in is larger than the rear left toe-in, it is because the rear bulkhead assembly has moved while being tightened to the chassis. To fix this problem follow these steps:

1) Loosen the four bottom screws holding the rear bulkhead assembly.
2) Hold the rear right suspension and push it upwards. This will center the rear bulkhead to the chassis.
3) Retighten all four screws.

Verify that the rear toe-in is now equal on left and right.

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